10 قطع انجليزي للقراءة للاطفال متنوعة (مكتوبة + نطق صوتي)
نشاركك في هذا المقال قطع انجليزي للقراءة للاطفال، بسيطة لتعليم الاطفال اللغة الإنجليزية واكسابهم بعض المفردات الجديدة.
كما نشاركك ملف صوتي مع كل قطعة، ويمكنك التحكم بسرعة الصوت لتكون مناسبة للاطفال حسب مستواهم في الانجليزي.
حمل تطبيقنا لقراءة عشرات القصص الاخرى والاستماع لها
1- The Weather
Hello kids! Today, we are going to learn about the weather. The weather is what’s happening outside, like sunny, rainy, cloudy, or snowy.
It’s important to know what the weather is like so we can dress appropriately and plan our activities.
Now, let’s learn some weather vocabulary in English:
Sunny – مشمس
Rainy – ممطر
Cloudy – غائم
Snowy – مثلج
Stormy – عاصف
Foggy – ضبابي
Great job, kids! Keep learning and exploring the world around you.
2- Little Mouse
فأر صغير
تعد القصص الانجليزية المترجمة أفضل طريقة لتعليم الاطفال الانجليزية، وذلك لما تحتوية من متعة وتسلسل سردي يساهم في تعزيز الحفظ لدى الطفل.
اطلع على 10 قصص بالانجليزي قصيرة جدا للاطفال مكتوبة + صور
Once upon a time, there was a curious little mouse named Jerry. Jerry lived in a cozy little hole in the wall, and he loved to explore the world around him.
في يوم من الأيام، كان هناك فأر صغير فضولي يدعى جيري. كان جيري يعيش في حفرة صغيرة ومريحة في الجدار، وكان يحب استكشاف العالم من حوله.
One day, Jerry decided to go on an adventure outside of his hole. He scampered through the tall grass, climbed over rocks, and even swam across a little stream.
في يوم من الأيام، قرر جيري الذهاب في مغامرة خارج حفرته. تسلق العشب الطويل وتسلق الصخور وحتى سبح عبر نهر صغير.
As he was exploring, Jerry came across a big, juicy apple. He had never seen an apple before, but it looked so delicious that he couldn’t resist taking a bite.
وجد جيري وهو يستكشف تفاحة كبيرة ولذيذة. لم يرى جيري تفاحة من قبل، لكنها بدت جيدة جداً حتى لم يستطع أن يقاوم الرغبة في تناول قضمة منها.
As he was munching on the apple, Jerry heard a rustling in the bushes. He looked up and saw a big, scary cat staring right at him.
وأثناء أكله التفاح، سمع جيري صوتاً من الأشجار. نظر فوجد قطة كبيرة ومخيفة تحدق به.
Jerry was so frightened that he dropped the apple and ran back to his hole as fast as he could. He quickly scurried inside and curled up into a little ball, still shaking with fear.
كان جيري خائفاً جداً حتى أنه أسقط التفاح وركض إلى حفرته بأسرع ما يستطيع. سرعان ما دخل داخلها ولف جسده حول نفسه، مازال يرتجف من الخوف.
From that day on, Jerry learned to be more careful when exploring the world outside of his cozy little hole.
منذ ذلك اليوم، تعلم جيري أن يكون أكثر حذراً عند استكشاف العالم خارج حفرته الصغيرة والمريحة.
اقرأ أيضاً: 10 قصص بالانجليزي قصيرة جدا للاطفال مكتوبة + صور
ترجمة اهم الكلمات
rustling صوت الأشجار عند احتكاكها ببعضها | scurry يركض بسرعة | resist يقاوم |
curl up يلف جسده حول نفسه | frightened خائف | careful حذر. |
munch يتناول الطعام بسرعة | bushes أشجار صغيرة | explore استكشف |
tall grass عشب طويل | juicy لذيذ وعصيري | hole حفرة |
scamper يركض بسرعة | stream نهر صغير | curious فضولي |
3- Sunflower
عباد الشمس
نبذة: هذه القطعة الانجليزية للأطفال تتحدث عن زهرة الشمس التي تعد نبات مشرق ينمو بقوة ويتبع حركة الشمس طوال اليوم. تجذب النحل والحشرات وتوفر بذورها وجبة خفيفة لذيذة وصحية.
The sunflower is a bright and cheerful plant that grows tall and strong. It gets its name from its large, yellow flower head that follows the movement of the sun throughout the day.
Sunflowers are native to North and Central America and have been grown for thousands of years. They are not only beautiful to look at, but they also provide important benefits for the environment.
Sunflowers attract bees and other pollinators, which helps to support the growth of other plants. Additionally, sunflower seeds are a tasty and healthy snack that many people enjoy.
Now, here are some questions related to the paragraph:
1- What is the sunflower?
2- What makes the sunflower bright and cheerful?
3- Where are sunflowers native to?
4- How long have sunflowers been grown?
5- What is the benefit of sunflowers for the environment?
6- What do sunflowers attract?
7- What is the importance of pollinators?
8- What is the use of sunflower seeds?
9- Do people enjoy eating sunflower seeds?
4- The universe
The universe is a vast and mysterious place with countless stars, planets, and galaxies.
It is hard to fathom just how big the universe is, and scientists are still discovering new things about it all the time.
One thing we know is that our own planet Earth is just a tiny speck in the grand scheme of things.
The universe is also home to many amazing things like black holes, supernovas, and even alien life forms (though we have yet to find any definitive proof of this).
Studying the universe helps us to better understand our place in the world and the mysteries that lie beyond our own planet.
Now, here are some questions related to the paragraph:
1- What is the universe?
2- What is in the universe?
3- How big is the universe?
4- What are scientists still discovering about the universe?
5- How big is the planet Earth compared to the universe?
6- What are some amazing things in the universe?
7- Have we found any definitive proof of alien life forms in the universe?
8- Why is studying the universe important?
9- What can studying the universe help us understand?
5- Predators
الحيوانات المفترسة
نبذة: تتحدث هذه القصة عن الحيوانات المفترسة وتعرف الاطفال على صفاتها وبعض المعلومات المهمة حولها.
Predators are animals that hunt and kill other animals for food. They are found in many different ecosystems around the world, from jungles and forests to deserts and oceans.
Examples of predators include lions, tigers, bears, wolves, sharks, and crocodiles. These animals are often at the top of the food chain and play an important role in keeping ecosystems balanced.
However, it’s important to remember that predators can be dangerous to humans, and we should always respect their space and avoid getting too close.
Learning about predators can help us understand the importance of biodiversity and the delicate balance of nature.
1- What are predators?
2- Where are predators found?
3- Can you name some examples of predators?
4- What is the role of predators in ecosystems?
5- Should we be cautious around predators? Why?
6- How can learning about predators help us?
7- What is biodiversity?
8- Why is biodiversity important?
9- What is the delicate balance of nature?
6- The friendship
Friendship is a special bond between two people who care for each other. Friends are there for each other through good times and bad, and they support and encourage each other.
They share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences, and they make each other laugh.
Friends come in all shapes and sizes, and they can be found in many different places, from school to sports teams to neighborhoods. It’s important to be a good friend by being kind, trustworthy, and respectful.
When we have good friends, we feel happy and loved, and we know that we are not alone in the world.
1- What is friendship?
2- What do friends do for each other?
3- Where can friends be found?
4- How can you be a good friend?
5- How do good friends make us feel?
6- Why is it important to have friends?
7- The sky
The sky is blue and full of clouds. Sometimes the sun shines bright and warms our skin. Other times, it’s gray and rainy. We can see the moon and stars at night. The sky is always above us, no matter where we go.
When we look up at the sky, we can imagine all sorts of things, like flying in an airplane or exploring space. It’s fun to watch the sky and see what it’s doing each day.
Some questions related to the paragraph:
1- What color is the sky?
2- What can we see in the sky at night?
3- What can we imagine when we look up at the sky?
4- Is the sky always above us?
5- Is it fun to watch the sky? Why?
8- Colors
Colors are all around us! We see them in the flowers, the sky, and even in the food we eat. Some colors are bright and bold, like red and yellow, while others are soft and calming, like blue and green.
We can mix colors together to make new ones, like mixing yellow and blue to make green. Colors can make us feel different emotions, like red can make us feel excited and blue can make us feel calm.
It’s fun to explore all the different colors in the world and see how they make us feel.
Some questions related to the paragraph:
2- Can you name some bright colors?
3- Can you name some soft colors?
4- How can we make new colors?
5- How can colors make us feel?
6- Is it fun to explore colors? Why?
9- Animals
هذه قطعة انجليزي للقراءة للاطفال تتحدث عن الحيوانات، تخبرنا أن الحيوانات متنوعة في أحجامها وأشكالها، وتتغذى بأنواع مختلفة من الطعام. يمكننا معرفة المزيد عن الحيوانات من خلال مراقبتها وقراءة الكتب عنها، ويمكن استكشاف العالم الحيواني لرؤية المخلوقات المذهلة التي تعيش فيه.
Animals are all around us! They come in many different shapes and sizes, from tiny ants to giant elephants. Some animals live in the water, like fish and dolphins, while others live on land, like dogs and cats.
Some animals can even fly, like birds and butterflies. Animals eat different types of food, like plants or other animals.
We can learn a lot about animals by watching them and reading about them in books. It’s fun to explore the animal world and see all the amazing creatures that live in it.
Some questions related to the paragraph:
2- Can you name some animals that
5- What do animals eat?
6- How can we learn about animals?
7- Is it fun to explore the animal world? Why?
10- Numbers
نبذة عن القطعة: الأرقام حولنا في كل مكان! نحن نستخدمها لعد الأشياء، ويمكن جمعها أو طرحها. يمكننا التعلم الكثير عن الأرقام في المدرسة واللعب معها بمتعة!
Numbers are all around us! We use them to count things, like how many apples we have or how many friends we have. Some numbers are even and some are odd.
Even numbers can be divided into two equal groups, while odd numbers have one left over. Numbers can also be added together to make bigger numbers, or subtracted to make smaller ones.
We can learn a lot about numbers in school and by practicing with math problems. It’s fun to play with numbers and see what we can do with them!
Now, here are some questions related to the paragraph:
1- What do we use numbers for?
2- What are even numbers?
3- What are odd numbers?
4- How can we make bigger numbers?
5- How can we make smaller numbers?
6- Where can we learn about numbers?
7- Is it fun to play with numbers? Why?
11- The lion
The lion is a majestic animal that lives in the savanna. It has a beautiful golden coat and a loud roar that can be heard from miles away.
Lions are known for being fierce predators that hunt in groups called prides. They eat a variety of prey such as zebras, antelopes, and buffalo.
Despite their reputation as ferocious hunters, lions are also social animals that enjoy spending time with their family members.
Some questions related to the paragraph:
1- What is the lion?
2- Where does the lion live?
3- What does the lion’s coat look like?
4- What is the lion’s roar like?
5- How do lions hunt?
6- What do lions eat?
7- Are lions social animals?
8- What is a group of lions called?
9- Who do lions spend time with?
كيف تعلم طفلك الإنجليزية
بعد ان شاركناك قطع انجلش للقراءة للاطفال دعنا الآن نشاركك بعض النصائح المهمة لتعليم الاطفال الانجليزية
هناك العديد من الطرق التي يمكن استخدامها لتعليم الأطفال اللغة الإنجليزية، وفيما يلي بعض الأفكار التي يمكن أن تساعدك في هذا الصدد:
1- ابدأ بالأساسيات: يمكنك بدء تعليم طفلك الألفبائية الإنجليزية بشكل مرح، وتعليمه الأرقام والألوان والأشكال الأساسية.
2- استخدم الأنشطة التعليمية المرحة: يمكنك استخدام الأنشطة التعليمية المرحة لجعل تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية ممتعاً. بعض الأفكار تشمل قراءة القصص الإنجليزية، الغناء، الرسم، واللعب.
3- استخدم الأفلام والبرامج التلفزيونية: يمكن للأفلام والبرامج التلفزيونية الموجهة للأطفال أن تساعد في تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية. يمكنك اختيار البرامج التعليمية والمسلية التي تناسب عمر طفلك.
4- تحدث معه باللغة الإنجليزية: يمكنك استخدام اللغة الإنجليزية في التحدث مع طفلك في الحياة اليومية، مثل الحديث عن الطعام واللعب والأنشطة اليومية الأخرى.
5- التسجيل في دورات اللغة الإنجليزية: إذا كنت ترغب في الحصول على مساعدة إضافية، يمكنك التسجيل في دورات اللغة الإنجليزية الموجهة للأطفال.
6- الصبر والإيجابية: يجب أن تظل إيجابياً وصبوراً مع طفلك، وتشجعه على تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية بشكل مستمر. قد يستغرق الأمر بعض الوقت، ولكن مع الصبر والمثابرة، سيتعلم طفلك اللغة الإنجليزية بسرعة.
very good